Friday, October 5, 2018
Triggering The Tipping Point
Part 2 of 3 as an extension to this research here: LINK
If World War Two has been the biggest event in modern world history, then for what purpose have the outcomes for victors and the defeated alike? What situations have been brought the actions of aggressors and defenders for the current time to be struggling so badly now to create a new world super villain for the eternal cronies. Read on: Understanding law and understanding the law can be two completely different things in various way. This articles hope to unwrap some of the congealed madness that's been acting as a sort of cocooning of human life while empty dead shell holds everything in place until the cocoon is then rendered defunct of any use whatsoever. This scenario appears to crystallising all by itself from the human nature of those being cocooned by the dead empty shell.
This week has seen Trump meet in New York with Netenyahu after Netenyahu delivers a redundant speech defunct of any credible or worthwhile evidence to back his ludicrous claims of anything that doesn't matter to anyone, except those who stand to benefit from the charade. The claim made about Trump and Netenyahu is that ties between those two criminals have never been stronger, isn't that evidence alone as the mass awakening is beginning. And I say it with caution, as the Israeli mossad secret service failings have been mounting, but treachery, deceit and booby trapping is their middle name. While their psy-op media periodicals and journals appear to be scrambling by their fingernails on the ever steepening cliff edges that they've led themselves onto. So, the independent media, blogging, vlogging and other means of utilising social media platforms, and rightly so under the free speech laws. Can it but be more and more transparent as to who the culprits are of an actual sustained loop system of Boom, for them, Bust for everyone else?
They say they have a Jewish day when their "promised messiah" will materialise. Well, people must have been taking their eye off the ball on at least two occasions in history, the first they turned their back on, even voting for his death, the second, Menachem Shneerson, failed to deliver, though he was supposed to do whatever he was supposed to do in 2008. It never happened. So, the Jewish eternal promisers of glory for the Jewish people is their last card left in the stack for them to play, other than the Sampson Option? Is this what all the blood drinking of 8 day old babies mutilated penises has all been about? In studying everything Jews do, and the shadows they have thrived behind for millennia, so their success, in crime, may be their downfall out of crime. Lucky the Jew Luciano's Law states that "It only takes one person to find out you're up to no good. You better pack up your bags and head for fresh turkey's, because that goose is cooked." Now, which other fine ethnic anomaly has such spirited quotes for a life of industrial crime manufacture?
Solving puzzles and understanding mazes becomes artful when only allowed to be in those environments, and with the Jewish Central Banking system having every last penny on a virtual lock down scenario, as the Jew must be in everybody's business, whether that be the ultra-paranoia of socio-pathic megalomaniacs, or just they want to skin every last penny that you make, as they're plunderer's by nature. Well, this Friday sixth of October Twenty Eighteen has seen an very obscure article reveal rather more than they possibly would have liked to reveal, and possibly predicated on the presumption that no one is paying attention to their crooked schemes the world over. Jews have some sort of law about giving the public fair notice, for contractual reasons, and so they have defences for their privateering methods. For example, signs in public buildings, no smoking, as an example, is a contractual offer, as slavery is outlawed.
It's why signs and symbolism using signs has become such an important member of the yiddish alphabet added into everyday speak, yet we can only use 26 letters of the alphabet. Try putting your own signs up about anything of any importance, then tell me they don't have everywhere in lockdown. In this instance it's very much like the time I was enquiring about the Court Records from court proceedings heard in National Socialist Germany, as from 1933. My search took me to a site of the German Government, so they said, but, again under closer scrutiny, not only were there no court records available, I ended up finding about Article 146 of the German Basic Law.
This little trail led me to call the German Consulate up and explain to him my query. As I'd been travelling around Germany in Twenty Fifteen, I met a German, a Bavarian from Bamberg who told me about the Reich Constitutionalists over there who were refusing to recognise anything but their bona fide Constitution under the Kaiser. Well, it turns out Article 146 of the German Basic Law talks about the distinct and definite right of Germans to have a referendum upon the unification of Germany, which incidentally took place in 1990 proper. Yet, the referendum has been kept out of the public eye by the lying press, who are the only press allowed, so they don't allow any press. If there was a referendum, then only Germans would be considered to be valid voters. As the Constitution still stands, as Germany is under a military occupation rule, as without the referendum this will always be the case. Which leads me to mention that the one single word so missing in all the claims made over this last week or so by Merkel at the German-Israeli Tech Fair, also with Netenyahu, who was then with Trump after a dire speech to a virtually empty UN room. My evidence, of course, is that it's freely available to watch online, so why can't our world leaders make available such simple means for evidencing their claims? Well, we know why don't we.
So, back to where I'm going with this. There is this article, in Bloomberg, which is a big a liar as any of them, but there are cracks in the plaster when viewed from certain angles. Little light shiners of truth that propose there to be more going on than meets the eye at first glance. Of course, with the defeat of Germany in 1945 and the military take over of all German politics and business, so the article points to it that there are special relationships between particular local banking houses, who do business under the umbrella term "Sparkasse". What it says is, there are suspicions of interplay between payments from banks to politicians, as the politicians are the ones placed in by the Allies to quel Article 146. So, you can read for yourself, as I'll post the link, but you can see such things as the charge has now been lowered from bribery to dereliction of office type charges. My one question is that with the condition of Germany, and the positioning of such Sparkasse's to keep money trickling in, which by the way has now made the Sparkasse the second best option for loaning after commercial banking giant, Deutsche Bank is failing to do anything, as the same with Commerz Bank. As a side note, there's a dodgy character who just helped Deutsche to fail who has just joined Jewish billionaire Howard Studnick, who just missed the 9/11 terrorist attack by Israel on America, because he just happened to take the kids late to school that day, though he says his brother was killed there.
So amid all the Jewish chicanery and tomfoolery of their kind, who could warrant that a group of non Jews could hold so much sway without Jewish co-operation? Here's the link to the article. LINK
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