Monday, October 8, 2018
The Secret State of Israel
Part 3 of 3 as an extension from this research here: LINK
The Jews to protect their crimes build through their media platforms the big scary monster concept that can be played with across Jewish entertainment platforms. The Secret State of Israel is a thing that people are given clearance to view from the perspective that the crony current state of Israel is based on some cute mythology that probably could have happened, because all these criminals had to manifest somewhere. As with the phoney Khazarian Empire type legends of Central Asia, so actual research in that line shows marauding barabaric and nomadic empires that appear to stem from Cyrus the second. The truth of the matter is the region set up as the perfect ambush for the Silk Road for the nomadics, and which the phases of the Great Wall appear to have been built for. As the story 'Journey To The West' displays, the West and the East were connected via the Celtic/European/Aryan networks spanning the continents of Europe and Aisa.
The time of the Issedones corresponds, geographically rather than solely historically with other groups stemming from the Hyborborean people's, whose known documentation goes back pre 450-500 BC at least. People like the Massageates, the Scythians, the WusunYet the Jews secret empire appear to be in a constant state of war, even from a historically advantageous positioning in war, as ambushers. So while the Hyperborean(High European/Aryan) line seems to give the appearance of a noble cause following people, versus this Jewish parasitical aggressive cancer like sociopathic blood lusting hit squads that are hell bent on power. LINK.
In a recent ruling a 89-year old woman, Ursula Haverbeck, is adjudged by the Jewish Secret State of Israel's Secret Police German Division BFV & LFV, to gatekeep Article 146. Those people are stopping opinions that point to Constitutional matters apparently illegal to hold as an opinion. Here is an explanation of the current scenario that renders 89 year old pensioners, and others, to be held against their will in what appears to be unlawful imprisonment under baseless charges. The term Verfassung(constitution) was deliberately avoided as the drafters regarded the Grundgesetz as an interim arrangement for a provisional West German state, expecting that an eventual reunified Germany would adopt a proper constitution, enacted under the provisions of Article 146 of the Basic Law, which allows Germans, as a nation, to vote by referendum on the choice of constitution. Currently that has not come into effect and it can only be of any factual basis that the constitution of Germany is the constitution of Germany proper, which is the Verfassung under Kaiser Wilhelm the first of May 1871. Here are some links to consider. LINK LINK.
For more information about Ursula's plight please visit her site which is multi-lingual. LINK
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