Sunday, November 11, 2018
Jewish Billionaires
Equality and Diversity, two common calls of the criminal government Political Correctness that every paid operative will uphold for fear of non payment of mortgage. The lucky few who are without such loan facilities never have to worry about usury, interest payments on loans. Never have to worry about maintaining the status quo for shekels to complete the circularity of debt instruments. From the issuer, to the tax collector. On the other hand, Jewish billionaires jet in willy nilly to buy up all the equity and stock of hundreds of years of heritage to flood the place with their kind and then run off with the loot. No doubt the trusty enforcers of law will be hunting them down to give them a damn good rollicking about Equality and Diversity. All before the inevitable carting of before the magistrates to get a £40 fine and hours unpaid work. How is work paid anyway is my question.
How does a nation such as UK/US/China/France/Spain and Russia etc as part of the most wealthy continent that has been ran by intermarriage of the people's they represent for their benefit too, all of a sudden go from being the tightly knit pure ethnic group to what we see today without having culprits pulling the strings behind the scenes? Who polices the billionaires? Who tracks their involvements in such deals as this: LINK. Where the whole country is balanced on Article 146 of the German Basic Law, yet the scavengers must get involved in what will be unsolvable crimes, just like the 96 murdered Liverpool fans. Just like the baby now who has died in a car crash with 3 others, where is the regulation? LINK. What do Jewish billionaires need fear?
Equality has become the major buzzword because it encompasses women as well as immigrants, homosexuals as well as transgenders and is that soothing word that feels so nice to say when one allows the grand illusions of the word smithery to be their master. People have long since fell away from the realities of real life, depending on the TV as the reference point to go to when unenlightened by the mass spiritual awakening taking place by via the internet: LINK. The Jewish billionaires and their endless resources for plying their trade that appears to never reach other than more Jewish billionaires pockets. The old phrase in investing was "Never use anyone else's money." Well, guess who started those rumours, I think you'll find they're the same Jewish billionaires and their well drilled crew.
Our illusions of standards have been flushed down the toilet while the enemy has had us born bound, gagged and blindfolded. At no disgrace to ourselves or to our unwitting ancestors do we find now all of the solutions to remove the Jewish Supremacist billionaire crews from our lands by simplicity. The running of our own marked currencies that have been taken over by the coverts and changed into the money-lending system, Shetar, that has materialised. It gives us opportunity to take our heads out of the plumes of smoke but under the microscopic scrutiny of the Jewish coin-clippers, it's sanctity rubbed away. We must redress our positions and make sure that this time everything is held more secure than before, so everything has been held sacred while they're not around once more.
Without conscience they ply materialism and consumerism not realising that our ties to the ground, to our homes and to the animals and environment that give us life and share our journey are much more valuable than the slow kill policies of the political backers. And also, to our disadvantage, they have made language virtually impossible to explain how Judaism works, when it is so simple to explain, yet revealing them from the shadows is another step again. Jewish billionaires and their army of trickery have separated themselves from everyone, except who they wish to use. Why would they be so insecure with all their lovely money if they weren't criminalistic in their everyday doings? Since when did business become so guarded that nation's governments work to hide their crimes?
Where's the outrage by those who ply goodness and forth-rightness as their main business? Oh, they've been bought and sold as well. So, it really is going to be up to the "meek" to stand up and tear the Jews a new one for all of their troubles. While the most recent of the resisters to Jews, Gaddafi, Hussein, and whoever said about Iceland kicked out the bankers needs to take a lie down for that. Everyone is on watch like the Cold War East Germany, where Hitler and his people were bombed until devastation. The dystopian world created thereafter is one that we must realise is created for us to continue to fall, and the Jews to continue to dominate. When will our people remove the Jewish hoods from their hoodwinking and see that a social paradise can be gained for all countries. That every country can work for their own paradise for their own nation. That while the Jews are robbing the cream off the top then the spoils from our constant efforts will be squandered like pearls to swines.
The enemy's behind the gates, whoever let them in we'll deal with later, for now let's get to rounding up the enemy and their conspirators!
The (((Zio-Marxist money changers))) started WWII in 1933 by instigating an international boycott on German manufactured goods. Like WWI this war was forced on Europe by an alien occupier. The consequences of WWI saw Germany split and her former colonies ethnically cleansed by Jewish Bolsheviks while in Germany itself the Germans were wading nose deep in a Yiddish manufactured depression that was starving and killing her people. During the Weimar years National Socialism advocated a self-financing interest free system, which was and always would be an inclusive system for all not just a select few; once elected this system was installed and it protected Germany from starvation and almost wiped out unemployment.
#patricklittle #littlerevolution #killerculture #antizionistleague #antitraitors #HolodomorInfo #ScottRoberts #EndCorruptionNow #GDL