Monday, August 6, 2018
The Problem For Pedophiles
Exceptional circumstances have uncovered the generations long problems encountered by each nation the world over. The problem begins with one ethnic group and only ends with that same group. No one could have discovered the extent to which all of our cultures had been propped up by a sickening ethnic group that operate from the shadows and use their public influence to shower the world with their eternal victimhood. No other group can be named as being the one single group at the root of all problems that affect the collective groups on the planet. From individual misery right up to the taking down of well established imperial dynasties, and the patterns was never detected.
Finding one's way to navigate through the disgusting map of their subversion leaves one evermore gobsmacked than before, the traces of their skullduggery wiped out of the public news outlets by their controlling mechanisms. The Rabbinical Synagogue Network has been that one network unfettered by full investigations into their global enterprises. The Jews have been compared to vermin pigeons, in that they will sit above and shit on everything below. Anyone who has dealt with Jews on any particular scale eventually finds this out. Even if it is the Jew who will be the first to offer the hand back up, yet none can determine the elusive obvious, and Jewish chutzpah wins again.
How can those covered in shit below see that the same pigeons live above everyone else, and only allow those stool pigeons who will serve the shitty arse operation of shitting all over everyone for Jewish interests aboard. What a bind on the people when the tiers of the society are far from acting in the ways that are portrayed, the Class System, yet operates in a completely different but despotic system none the less. What would the mighty above fear? Why would the mighty above give up that position for others gains? How would the toppling of the Jewish Empire take place for the societies broken by the never ending supply of useful idiots positioned perfectly to kaibosh any chance of National Socialism binding the Nations of the world to greater and better things without the aid of the Jewish debt money - Usury?
What world could begin to shape itself for the enjoyment of mankind without the Mossad effecting the outcomes of every political move. The political moves are the ones that affect business, commerce, education and all of any societies direction for the good of the people. Yet, justifications for incompetence are never ending, and the lying press, controlled by the Jewish, find their many sinister and underhanded methods to make pedophilia a presentable option to the public by way of subversive politics, cockamany educating and poisoned homoseual droids bred to act as the buffer zones in the unnameable war - Political Correctness.
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