Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Death by Parasite - Economic Abortionism
Jewish sentiment towards a successful White race is tripped up when they open their mouths. There are forces within their make-up, their racial group, that actively promote the decline of the Whites as a racially pure group. From Paeida in Sweden, to Berkeley University in California. Heck, even go back to the Chinese Opium Wars, Jewish Sassoon family of Mumbai(Bombay) and we find that the whole thing was a set-up to destroy a racially pure ethnic group. Yet, to get more bang for their buck the Jews made it fervently clear to the world that Whites have been responsible. Here is a great demonstration how a "poor" Jew can easily utilise the power of the press for creating so much advantageous benefit at barely any cost, if any, to themselves. Throw out a quick apology, or shoot to yet another Jew enclave, change your name and attire and job's a good'n.
Unfortunately, our people were so trusting of each other, that we have brought a most sickening curse upon us, without remaining vigilant to outside forces. Indeed, the Jew, from behind the scenes has turned our men and women into abortionists, contraceptionists and adulterer's, mostly with drug dependencies on Jewish importation. We will march in the streets for the right to kill the unborn. March in the streets, with violent aims, to defend the right for Jewish back African Communists to destroy White societies abroad. We will attack the strawman created by the Jewish press to demonise a racially pure North Korea, though it seems that that myth has well and truly been put to bed.
What is it that the Jew is so afraid of when it comes to Whites being a racially pure ethnic group on this planet, even with them in control? Is it a window into their world view? Their religious faith? What is it that's so incredibly toxic to them about racial purity, yet Africa, the most economically deprived nation on the planet, again, thanks to Jews.
Who can know what the result of even just one Jew can accumulate to? Further, as in Iceland, Iceland just got a new Rabbi. Funny in a country with zero Jewish history that they can magically pop up and dictate the laws. Whoever said they arrested the Jew bankers hasn't a clue what they're talking about. The amount of corruption in Iceland caused the Homosexual Prime Minister to resign. Meanwhile the President is married to a Jewess billionaire heiress.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Theresa May - Operation Mossad
As Zio-Marxist puppet Theresa May pulls the plug and goes all out for investment in AFRICA, then people need to be warned about what Africa is. Africa is a Jewish stronghold where they've almost completely eradicated Whites from there. It's a 99% homogenous continent, and UK is being told it can't afford to overlook investment into Africa. Yet, that's exactly where Israel has got China investing, as well as having brokered lots of deals with African nations last year and this. This is set to be yet another avenue for the Jews to further drain our economies, and no investments are made there.
While playing the Dialectic, twisted words with double speak, out comes a report on the same day that immigration laws have doubled in length. Is that not testament to the fact that they were kept wholly inadequate to cause chaos, both in our home countries, and the countries where Jews are funding the "wars". It matters not the length of laws anyhow, how about the content?
Jews playing both sides, then reporting it in their lying press.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Contracts, turning countries into money drains
Turning countries into cesspits has become something that Mossad has aimed for. From beautiful Sweden, to Germany and the famous Profumo Affair with the homoseual insetuous Kray Twins running amok with Jewess Mandy Rice Davis. All throughout Modern History has Mossad hid beneath the veil, yet finally that veil is being pierced. Their hegemony scuppered and the shekels being considered not worthy of Mossad's handling. It's been an amazing brainwashing experiment that is seeing its final days. So now, more than ever is it time to WATCH OUT, the sneaky Jew is about. The infamous well poisoners have no qualms at bringing down countries, or ending species.
Now comes a disease being touted "Urgent threat to humanity" As the fools queue up for their daily poison. So around the world the well poisoners are making insects out of people and then claiming being victims, in this case it's Jewish Hershey's and Jewish Nestle's, what a surprise. . Where human life has been turned into something that bees should be doing ten thousand miles away from their home and big farmers kill the "thugs", my guess is they're the small farmers being swept away by Monsanto style politics.
Meanwhile China flexes communist muscle in Africa, while dropping the balls for more reorganisation in dirt poor China, for Israel. No one is watching the reasons why things are happening, it all seems unconnected... Well, what do you think Mossad's job is exactly? China, (Israel) takes over Jamaica
The list is long with China doing the bidding of Israel, as Israel and Jews love to be behind the strings pulling them into violent chaos. How long now can they keep up the spinning plates before it all comes a cropper?
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Scamazon, Joogle and the Silly Con Valley
Only those backed by the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Central Bank of China, the IMF, the ECB etc can be the ones allowed to do business as agents for the aforesaid. Never can the independent thinker receive just rewards for contributions, and potential contributions, to the society at large. Those Jewish banking cartel despots sit at least one level above were they believe the people at large will fail to seek them out. WRONG!!! Killing children, drugging populations, robbing the infrastructures of nations powerful and not powerful is their only mark. That trail of destruction, for which Mossad of Jewish Israel is the nerve centre for all of it. Every name is logged, every job attached to names, every coin counted for jobs done. How can this communism fail when every start up within the tech industries is geared toward Israel's sole prosperity without competition.
The security firms who set up the internet to "make it safe" for the average man, woman or child have been swiftly removed while B'nai Brith monitor every letter printed on their World Wide Web that has hijacked Tim Berners-Lee's idea of a free internet for all. Now Berners-Lee better keep his mouth shut and do exactly as he's told or he'll be finding out swiftly what reality means when it comes to being no longer baby sat by the long toothed monster, Judaism. Feeling every bump on the information super highway, who in the free West can be free, and how. No, the illusions are stacked in the favour of those who believe in theirs more than against. Trapped is every nation by Israel's Mossad spider web like sensitivity around the globe. With all the unknown unkown's of the Mossad, then can wager what their tech industries are keeping from everyone, when they have spies in every nations military.
No country, outside of North Korea at the UN, from what I've seen, will even address the dual passport issue as rightly addressed by Australia for the banning of dual passport holding MP's in the National government as provided by their Constitution. With the vein of law, especially that of Constitutional Law, being that fairness and justice must be seen to be done, yet the interpretations of every other nation outside of Australia willingly promote dual passports, and worse, especially by Israeli dual passport holders. It's a folly of the societies of today that while they're kept well distracted by every conceivable distraction, and more is coming, then the knowledge of the law, for the protection of the citizens gets the baby thrown out with the bathwater.
What do the people get who may well vote for a halt to dual passport holding MP's or however another government's may call their representatives of their people. It's barely a caused for concern by any country, and other than chasing 92- year old janitors for Yad Vashem of Israel, then criminality, corrupt practices and subverting national infrastructure to breed Anarcho-Communism in Anarcho-Capitalism, and vice versa, examples being primarily South Korea, UK, Germany etc, and in the inverse China, Vietnam and North Korea as further victims of upside down competently-incompetent politics of Jewish Internationalism.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Sweet and Innocent Bolshevism
Who's counting the fierceness of Jewish Bolshevik ideology being allowed to spread as poison at the will of the might Jewish Empire. How sweet that rose, shall I compare it to a summers day? What the hell is going on? While the Mossad operations, via their well placed operatives in our societies sabotage any morsel remaining of darling buds of may. Then what beauty doth Jewish Bolshevism bring to the fore for our future generations to enjoy?
Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Twain, Saint-D'Exubery, , Tolstoy, Dostoevski, Shelley, Dumas and so many other truly great geniuses are now pitted abreast with Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, Mao, Stalin and Engels as the ripe berries for the youth to meander upon. Whereas, Aristotle, Epicurus, Marcus Aurelius, Homer, Plato and again true giants of literature pitted against jokes of manifestations of everything Judaism stands for, paedophilia, extortion, cartelism, capitalism, communism, every sort of criminality and perversion of democracy.
Who dare speak up against the party line? And what more, who has thrown into the Jewish ideological strains of reality to compromise their fellow citizens. It's ok for them to back out of any nationalist sentiment for their fear of being outcast and ostracised for having a backbone. Yet, as the case in East Germany, each must tell upon the other to breed a nation of spite to tip always the balance of power further into the hands of the Jewish Internationalist Cartel Syndicates. The few actions of many accumulate to a self-administering poison that is the chosen elixir that regardless of the will of the people, then the snide self-serving saboteurs who fail to seek the light, manage to further strangulate their own consciences.
What sadness that such brilliant minds that have carried our beautiful way by their inputs shall be dashed from eternity for sickening destruction of the unsuspecting youth and future generations that may never know a racial purity owed to them as their birthright. That the scum that has risen to the top should be allowed so wantonly to be so aggressive in these final years of the Jewish Messianic prophecy.
The Problem For Pedophiles
Exceptional circumstances have uncovered the generations long problems encountered by each nation the world over. The problem begins with one ethnic group and only ends with that same group. No one could have discovered the extent to which all of our cultures had been propped up by a sickening ethnic group that operate from the shadows and use their public influence to shower the world with their eternal victimhood. No other group can be named as being the one single group at the root of all problems that affect the collective groups on the planet. From individual misery right up to the taking down of well established imperial dynasties, and the patterns was never detected.
Finding one's way to navigate through the disgusting map of their subversion leaves one evermore gobsmacked than before, the traces of their skullduggery wiped out of the public news outlets by their controlling mechanisms. The Rabbinical Synagogue Network has been that one network unfettered by full investigations into their global enterprises. The Jews have been compared to vermin pigeons, in that they will sit above and shit on everything below. Anyone who has dealt with Jews on any particular scale eventually finds this out. Even if it is the Jew who will be the first to offer the hand back up, yet none can determine the elusive obvious, and Jewish chutzpah wins again.
How can those covered in shit below see that the same pigeons live above everyone else, and only allow those stool pigeons who will serve the shitty arse operation of shitting all over everyone for Jewish interests aboard. What a bind on the people when the tiers of the society are far from acting in the ways that are portrayed, the Class System, yet operates in a completely different but despotic system none the less. What would the mighty above fear? Why would the mighty above give up that position for others gains? How would the toppling of the Jewish Empire take place for the societies broken by the never ending supply of useful idiots positioned perfectly to kaibosh any chance of National Socialism binding the Nations of the world to greater and better things without the aid of the Jewish debt money - Usury?
What world could begin to shape itself for the enjoyment of mankind without the Mossad effecting the outcomes of every political move. The political moves are the ones that affect business, commerce, education and all of any societies direction for the good of the people. Yet, justifications for incompetence are never ending, and the lying press, controlled by the Jewish, find their many sinister and underhanded methods to make pedophilia a presentable option to the public by way of subversive politics, cockamany educating and poisoned homoseual droids bred to act as the buffer zones in the unnameable war - Political Correctness.