Part 1 of 3
The unedjewcated guesser may miss the elusive obvious 10 times of ten, and he'd be at no fault of his own when left to his own devices as the worker drone he has been created into. From the African birthing boom as funded by the developed countries via Israeli drug manufacturers that inherited every advancement of technology as being developed post world war 2. The proof is in the pudding, when Israel can remain uninvestigated for the 9-11 torahrist attack(pronounced terrorist attack). Yet, at the same token, the so called Al-Quaeda network simply has vanished, or morphed into the ISIS that never attacks Israel. Perhaps, among many other issues relating to their cuckoo position in the Mid-East region, they don't wish for the press to be there, or, the press, being in the know, don't wish to be there either.
There's definitely much work for Israel to continually pummel out for the masses excuses for their lying, and what if anyhow? What if Jared Kushner, Steve Mnuchin, Henry Kissinger, Jack Lew, Dianne Feinstein, among so many others, are in fact mossad agents bent on subverting the US political sway? What if all of the mossad agents are found to be deeply embedded in non Israeli politics, but they were all reporting every information back to Israel for Israel's advantage? What contingencies would be required to hedge bets at these lofty levels of anti-futuristic outlooks? What menace could be caused that isn't being caused?
With the South African communists ANC shooting each other to kingdom come, and South Africa caught supplying arms to Saudi Arabia to wage war on Yemen, then what further encroachment on Africa's countries do Israel hold? What of our own? What ways can our own people get back to realise the importance of their voice in the open forum of politics when the Tavistock and Stanford Institutes are literally light years ahead in the game when it comes to knowing the mind. The busy creatures at those subversive human conditioning institutions are care free in their eternal shadow of trickling into society the dictat of what is and what shall be.
How long do you think it would take you yourself to educate yourself to the levels of understanding required to get back what's rightfully yours? Would you recognise yours off the bat? What defences to your rights, liberties and properties would you be proposing for taking everything back that belonged to you and your future generations? Where is your vision? Where is your direction in society as a member of society. World War 2 was about halting the directions of Self-Autonomous people exercising their rights, duties and obligations to themselves and each other, while the Jews who had been removed from the equation by their own choices stood to lose their advantageous positions on the board. They could not accept the fruits hanging from the overburdened tree of abundance, instead they wished to have skeleton like slaves dying on the streets of foreign lands that they had waged war on.
Who can draw on a conscience when the people's consciences have been dictated to, and in turn poisoned by, the same Ultra-Zio-liberalistic psychopathic menaces that run today's crazy world of Jewish economics via their world bank systems? What merit can one bring to their own soul when their conscience is not only compromised as a working mechanism to operate from in the world, but actually sets one in reverse? All the while the biological functioning of the chemistry of mankind ceases to flourishes in it's natural orderly state. When there can be no agreements between the society as to what kinds of directions benefit the masses at large the most return on investment, then one has to seek out the saboteurs, the ardent conflagrationists, the conspirators with ulterior motives kept from the crowd.
Isn't it also funny that almost every corner turned will have pied pipers waiting cohenveniently to direct you to all that you require. They have every proof of everything that they claim to be able to do for you, yet when the crunch time comes they will oft pull out the tried and tested methods of making ludicrous claims of knowledge of things that they have no proof of. This much is a constant, and it's a sure way to separate the wheat from the chaff in any lengthy dialogue. The answer to the unspoken question is about creativity realised, potentials realised, chance and opportunity made and offered with the support and encouragement of the state. Not, as we see today, a nation state created for tom foolery, drug dabbling, immature behaviour and harm caused to others. We are better than this as has been proven time and time again by our great communities who have shared the brunt of many an onslaught.
With the shadowy figures in the synagogues preaching their international banking language of yiddish to their own congregations. With the manifesting of anything and everything they require to materialise at their whim, all charged to their cattle, the Goyim, their salvation. How else would invaders of Races manage to creep about the place without secret coding, artificial infrastructures and password after password enabling their security to be uncompromised? Imagine your sitting at home with your family, or by yourself, or however. Next thing up pops a Rabbi with his bank clerk and migrant refugees to tell you how he's going to be charging you for the privileges you have bestowed upon him to run your life, because he's claimed he's been chosen by his g-d to do it? Would you buy into this? Well, I know it's a trick question, because you already did, but how do you escape the cartoon?
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