Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Genocide By Economics Is Genocide

The arrogance of the ill-informed is cyclical when it comes to the ignorant being held accountable for their ignorance and being charged to think beyond the constant feed driven into their heads by the arch-criminal kosher nostra managing 'Internationalism'. The pseudo-patriotism kind of emotional bent toward and for the promoting and underpinning of said internationalism is a bought thing. The people are currently largely held at the whims of the nonsensical economic system that derives it's power from budgeting. While the brain draining of the best of the best is a tool used to buoy up the mechanisms of internationalist musical chairs who is accounting for the failings of internationalism as it grabs the planet by the proverbial hair and becomes the master of everyone's destinies. The apparent untethered motioning of rise and fall, growth and decline and boom bust is not a thing people can put to any one particular body of rich, powerful and/or influential people that can get anything done.

While the billionaire army of Tel-Aviv rule the roost, their voracious appetites for destruction turns up more than meets the eye when prodding just that bit further ahead than the controlled narrative media outlets will allow. In a recent article in the FT, "Africa at risk of wasting demographic dividend" so it offers in that the (managed) decline of Europe's workforce from 2015-2050 will be at 85 million people, 200 million for China, yet counter intuitively constantly failing Africa, and no disrespect to Africans, but they're also under the yoke of the arch-criminals of internationalism, they will see a rise of 900 million in the same time scale. Yet, currently, there aren't enough jobs for those who already dwell on the African continent, and it certainly shows no signs of improving, so why the concentrated efforts to create a near 1 billion unemployable population that can be juxtaposed to the failing Chinese and European rate.

In a recent report by the BBC (Bolshevik Brainwashing Cohens) titled "Contractors dismayed at higher tax bill" it outlines the wishy-washy way in which the HMRC is outlining the new tax rules for entrepreneurs, yet "forces" them to pay higher rates. Not only that, but it also states that the employed sector will be ravaged as well. So when the Guardian put out their recent article about how "

Full-time work is no bar to poverty in UK, report says ... " and "San Francisco's Tech Billionaires Go To War Over Homelessness" Where have these billionaires been until all of a sudden? 

 President Trump has been saying things to the effect of the ANC's Communist calls to "Kill All The White People", as he pins anyone with an opinion on Israel and their covert operatives active in everyone's governments as "Hateful, Evil and, dare I say it, anti-Semitic" thereby equating observations of Jewishness as being ready to be trawled and arrested under the new catchnet of "Hate Speech Laws", for which the US Dept of Justice has set up a new page on their publicly funded website. US DOJ Hate Site. As Shakespeare once wrote: "Doth the lady protest a bit too much?" Do we not see the absolute parallel of these internationalist bound anti-Patriots upholding an absolute attack on our freedoms, while we have no say as to what hate is. Can we not hate their corruption? Can we not hate their oppressive Israeli political model being shoved into our living rooms and onto our empty dinner plates served from empty pockets brought about by empty promises? Can we not hate those who are led here to given opportunity above and beyond those opportunities granted to our own, and for the future? Here is the UK Solicitor General's speech on "Hate".

Imagine for a moment is the internationalist money grubbers for one moment turned a corner of conscience and set about putting efforts into setting straight the economies, setting straight the corruptive habits of the power brokers and set about making our home nations something to be proud of from the grass roots levels. How does that picture contrast with the current situations of hot potato politics, where anyone showing an actual interest in encouraging sustainable growth and economic richness as being other than a fascist nazi anti-multi-cultural homophobic bigot? Show me the remedy? Give me a crumb of something that proves that they're not managing chaos for our destruction and their stranglehold on monies by way of everyone else's misery. All roads ultimately lead to somewhere, so where is that even the greatest of detectives from Sherlock Holmes to James Bond, from Spider Man to Wonder Woman just can't ever seem to uncover in the pantomime of politics ran by "The Kosher Puppet Masters" Find out more and become active by using your rights to free speech while you have willing listeners and support and encouragement by the well informed crowd. #GDL.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Settling Issues in the Political Kaleidoscope

It is said in order to be calm within the storm head for the centre, for in the centre of the storm is calmness and it's the same within the political paradigms that we're fed via media, entertainment, politics and the like. This paradigm is what we have become used to being called public life, yet outside of the public sphere no one can much understand why they're never part of that unless some event causing the public eye to draw attention to it. These windows into the private lives of people are something to add to the drama that is kaleidoscopically controlled to meet the paradigms within the pubic psyche as things unrelateable to the publicly controlled sphere.

 Yet, we find that the political structure determines the shaping of society and that society must yield, by virtues of laws passed in the public interest at the will of the representatives of the people, to controlling mechanism that is now spread far and wide under the guise of Political Correctness, or official thinking. For the unofficial thinker who is in the eye of the storm the paradigms become wholly transparent as an accounting exercise of from whence is the generation of the official think paradigm shaped. The sculpters of the paradigms for the public to think with are based upon strawman arguments and claims that subvert an undercurrent of that which must never be allowed to be unofficially thought by the masses.

My unofficial thinking leads me directly into the calmness of where I can set myself down and view from mine own perspective drawn upon research that constantly yields results that relay a patternable and systematic mechanism of almost fictional proportions. The outcomes is that the underlying process of who carries the liabilities of the publicly funded institutions have a constant plethora of names to blame, yet the biological epigenetics is never brought into question, because that's unofficial thinking. LINK. The fruits to bear from the manipulation of the genetic heritable phenotype is structured plainly in the DNA, yet as we see all day long the inherent DNA structure is unfollowing that which has led us to this point in history.

Our call for an understanding of the political kaleidoscope and understanding the problems caused will always meet with no solution, yet will accumulate a certain pattern that is wholly determinable. That conclusion is always going to be based on monetary distribution for solutions to be found. Of course the archaic and steadfast crony system of today's democratic politics uncovers every answerable question when we look to the root cause of why are stable economies are continually held unstable. The production value of our intangible assets, human potential, has been capped unparalleled to the ginormous profits that foreign banking institutions are allowed to accumulate. The methods used, credit card debt, loans, mortgages and insurances, subvert the true economy of money issue by running a far more profitable monetary system that is held outside of any nations grasp by internationalist banking structures and methods.

These infinite structures and methods of allocation and distribution of monies that are based outside of a system of solvency are a means for the privileged few to drum up at their whims amounts of monies that are merely bound by the dreams of those controlling the ye or nay for that flow of parallel funding. So, were an established government sells off all the peoples assets for the benefit of developing countries, then the governments have not more than hocked the people's asset value to what very much appears to be a nefarious and treacherous group who continually will plough through the stock exchanges looking to gain advantages that stem from unreal money. LINK.

While not pointing to any one particular branch of this certain group, one can only deduct through rational and deductive reasoning that leads one to the eye of the storm, the calmness, that this ghost group haunting the echelons of any and all society have in fact met with little to no resistance because of the illegal mindset of how they operate. To allegorise the situation they have basically been let in by the shepherds who've been paid off to allow the proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing to manifest without limits among the sheep. Here before the Kalergi Plan for Europeans to mongrelised to the same racial interbreeding as Jews Paraguyan government of the day banned Whites from marriage within their own ethinc groups, and then after creating the mestizo population then set about wiping them off the face of the earth. LINK

While our dogooder types bend at the will of the Jewish shadow hierarchy in control of the controllers of our societies without question, so one becomes ostracised for connecting with one's own DNA programming that has fought off the Jewish programming of society. Obviously those willing to fill the voids in society that the Jews suddenly find themselves desperate to fill have all the cheques/checks available for their bidding to be done. Let's not forget that the Jews who were held in ghettoes and locked up at night certainly haven't done so badly. Looking at the history of these downtrodden people who can claim land and enforce that claim after a 3000 spell. Well, where are the Romans to manage them, where are the Ottomans, or where are the British for the former Palestinian Mandate to keep an eye over them? They'll let the neat little arrangement with China conquer Africa, and apparently that's better than European style colonialism. LINK. Here's an eye opener for those trusting that China isn't already subverted by Jews. LINK. LINK. LINK.

The true nature of Jewish careers in relation to everyone else's, the Goyim, are that the Jews have their fingers on everyone's credit buttons. So while Trump, Putin, Xi or May, or any other of the political footballs as puppets to garnish the public into a kaleidoscope of controversy and confusion, then what positions are the Jews taking up? What obstacles in society will Jews face in Christian nations when they wish to carry out their internationalist agenda and subvert the economies, subvert the status quo and subvert the food and psychological wholesomeness that is being strangled out of societies by the same Jews who will never be named? Change the perspective from looking at things from within. Refocus your lenses through a paradigm of Jews being foreign and treacherous to the status quo. From these angles caveat in that there are Jews actively involved in everything you're not allowed to have a stake in, even though you're damn well paying for them to administrate your collapsing economies and societies. When you've arranged your argument as to how it's not the Jews that you can simply add it in the comments section and that'll clear that whole mess up, but until then, IT'S THE JEWS!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Jews Bomb, Everybody Else Pays

In a report just out the current damage of Allied sorties over Germany are just being realised. In the 70 years cover up of silence that the victors who incinerated as many as their bombs could incinerate all over Germany, so the research begins. When one talks about Climate Change, Poverty in Africa, Free Energy, etc, all the while the Jews have been conning people to protect their places as lead criminals of the criminal empire of the world. All the time good money could have been spent of an amazing future, if US, UK and China had of spent money on seeking paths to end Bolshevism, instead of spending those monies on arms right up to the current day, then a global paradise we would have.

No, the Jew must dominate and dictate that world order will be run by desolation, destruction and depraved war tactics that must be illegal in any Environmental Law Court. How do these wandering Jews pledge a word that is so often the root of a million different evils and be taken seriously. How is it that the complicit politicians find ways to get funding for erroneous nothing projects, when on the back of a war that has now officially shaken the world. LINK. What more will they be planning that is going to be so destructive in the future that is held together by the thin strand of excuse, "We're God's Chosen." I find everything about who they are and what they do absolutely appalling in every way. It's detestable! LINK.

"The Prime Minister said that we hoped to shatter twenty German cities as we had shattered Cologne, Lubeck, Dusseldorf, and so on.  More and more aeroplanes and bigger and bigger bombs.  M. Stalin had heard of 2-ton bombs.  We had now begun to use 4-ton bombs, and this would be continued throughout the winter.  If need be, as the war went on, we hoped to shatter almost every dwelling in almost every German city.  "  (Official transcript of the meeting at the Kremlin between Churchill and Stalin on Wednesday, August 12, 1942, at 7 P.M.)


Filling The Jewish Void

Inciting turmoil, chaos, hatred and all manifestations of negative energy and putting it on the front pages of every jewspaper allowed on the newstands makes it an easy jaunt for the Jew to create the illusions in people minds of non realities. People who follow the Jewish TV(Talmud Vision), the entertainment and media outlets, which is no narrow avenue, find themselves enticed in only to be polluted with Jewish weaponised narratives. For example, people have found both positive and negative outcomes using affirmations, mantras or prayers. Our journey here on this planet, in this universe at this time is indeed unique to each and everyone of us, and everyone of us is sensitive and susceptible to the same social atmosphere's.

The saying used to be "Where were you when Kennedy was shot?", today it's "Where were you for 9/11?" this, and other generalisations in society are poured in by one main operator that has controlled the narrative as a target for shaping people's minds. The elusive obvious factor in the equation that is so invisible to so many people has become the Jew factor. Having had the "6 million" to lean back on whenever it came to scouring the society for likely subversive, well, the Jew was always shielded with the victim card. Yet, as everything comes out in the wash, and the "6 million" has been obliterated from the general consensus, the narrative, so there's the void needs to be filled.

 When setting the plan for the public to be duped with the next scenarios for keeping the Jew out of the news, then the current events often give it hints of the contingencies in waiting to be triggered. For example in JUK(UK) the former Prime Minister John Major, who resigned humiliated by an affair with a Jewess, Edwina Currie, just after he'd came out with a somewhat unifying statement about living by family values. He's being nothing but a mouthpiece for Judaism, Currie's an Orthodox Jewess. He's been another gullible Goy lined up like merchant would dress a shop window. It's a window dressing that was designed to draw custom, then when custom gets big, drop the guts out of it. It's so unreasonable to think why this would happen, but the engineering behind the scenes reveals more than the surface story, as the ones supplying the materials for the shop keeper to dress his shop, well, they, the merchants have the monopoly on the supply and demand. Therefore, the possibilities for market manipulating are much more to hand than jonny average might have available to him.

With Jews, they are always in communication to keep money with their community, so they don't have to work, that is their work. With a 'rich' history of plunder via drug running, contraband dealing, money laundering and the like. LINK. John Major has just come out with a statement, bear in mind we're looking at how the Jew is trying to set up the public to create the climate they want to create what they need to have to hand crappy news stories that deflect the attention from their crimes. He's saying that the new changes in the Social Security payments, from actual cheques/checks, to a Universal Credit system could cause backlash as Maggie Thatcher got when she reintroduced Poll Tax, which had been banned for four hundred years. Rioting broke out up and down the country, cohenciding with a heroin explosion, following a similar heroin explosion in Dublin, Ireland just the year before. So given the "problem, reaction, solution scenarios conjured up by the cuckoos of no man's land, so we can see a political trend.

Next is the Jew, Paul Rosenfeld, who has been arrested with a 200lb bomb in his basement. He's been so convicted in his beliefs that democracy deserves no merit. That he can settle all grievances by blowing everyone up, and that's just one Jew, so imagine how the rest of them work, considering the King David Hotel, where Jews dressed as Arabs to deliver milk, which were actually bombs. Will the FBI find an Arab looking garment in the wardrobe? They did the same for 9'11, for ISIS, for the Wahhabi family of Saudi Arabia, who dress like Arabs, but are Jews, and are stockpiling on arms. LINK.

Directing contingencies can stretch from the 80's zombie apocalypse to be played out these days with the newly created drug zombies manufactured for Jews to run the charities cashing in on their host nations misery, and all at the cause of the Jewish imported goods, heroin and cocaine. A friend said to me they will try to induce a hypnotic state on the Goyim by fabricating an invasion to earth by aliens, ala War of the Worlds, which incidentally has reference to "6 million" now the latest report in from Australia is that (((signals))) from outer space have doubled since 2007. My question is, as always, how does all this wonderful type of research trump funding distribution, the world over, when we're apparently facing a shit storm in the economics departments. Surely getting a few telescopes focusing in on the economics will highlight the problems of our day. Well, it's not going to happen, because Jews. LINK.

Can anyone tell me why on the British side of the Atlantic there is a Jew, Jo Johnson, as the head of transport, and on the US side the Deputy Secretary is a Rosen, rosen from the dead if you ask me. How is it that the rail company of Harbin China, headed by a Jew engineer, banned Jews from working on there, yet set up the capital of China's richest province Heilongjiang? While spilling their kind all over the place running from this persecution to that persecution, persecutions everywhere, yet the Jews come out on top with all the money, land, and political influence. That's some kind of crazy persecuting going on their in Jew Town, maybe it's their template for causing chaos while they run off with the spoils.

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Secret State of Israel

Part 3 of 3 as an extension from this research here: LINK
The Jews to protect their crimes build through their media platforms the big scary monster concept that can be played with across Jewish entertainment platforms. The Secret State of Israel is a thing that people are given clearance to view from the perspective that the crony current state of Israel is based on some cute mythology that probably could have happened, because all these criminals had to manifest somewhere. As with the phoney Khazarian Empire type legends of Central Asia, so actual research in that line shows marauding barabaric and nomadic empires that appear to stem from Cyrus the second. The truth of the matter is the region set up as the perfect ambush for the Silk Road for the nomadics, and which the phases of the Great Wall appear to have been built for. As the story 'Journey To The West' displays, the West and the East were connected via the Celtic/European/Aryan networks spanning the continents of Europe and Aisa.

The time of the Issedones corresponds, geographically rather than solely historically with other groups stemming from the Hyborborean people's, whose known documentation goes back pre 450-500 BC at least. People like the Massageates, the Scythians, the WusunYet the Jews secret empire appear to be in a constant state of war, even from a historically advantageous positioning in war, as ambushers. So while the Hyperborean(High European/Aryan) line seems to give the appearance of a noble cause following people, versus this Jewish parasitical aggressive cancer like sociopathic blood lusting hit squads that are hell bent on power. LINK.

In a recent ruling a 89-year old woman, Ursula Haverbeck, is adjudged by the Jewish Secret State of Israel's Secret Police German Division BFV & LFV, to gatekeep Article 146. Those people are stopping opinions that point to Constitutional matters apparently illegal to hold as an opinion. Here is an explanation of the current scenario that renders 89 year old pensioners, and others, to be held against their will in what appears to be unlawful imprisonment under baseless charges. The term Verfassung(constitution) was deliberately avoided as the drafters regarded the Grundgesetz as an interim arrangement for a provisional West German state, expecting that an eventual reunified Germany would adopt a proper constitution, enacted under the provisions of Article 146 of the Basic Law, which allows Germans, as a nation, to vote by referendum on the choice of constitution. Currently that has not come into effect and it can only be of any factual basis that the constitution of Germany is the constitution of Germany proper, which is the Verfassung under Kaiser Wilhelm the first of May 1871. Here are some links to consider. LINK LINK.

For more information about Ursula's plight please visit her site which is multi-lingual. LINK

Friday, October 5, 2018

Triggering The Tipping Point

Part 2 of 3 as an extension to this research here: LINK
If World War Two has been the biggest event in modern world history, then for what purpose have the outcomes for victors and the defeated alike? What situations have been brought the actions of aggressors and defenders for the current time to be struggling so badly now to create a new world super villain for the eternal cronies. Read on: Understanding law and understanding the law can be two completely different things in various way. This articles hope to unwrap some of the congealed madness that's been acting as a sort of cocooning of human life while empty dead shell holds everything in place until the cocoon is then rendered defunct of any use whatsoever. This scenario appears to crystallising all by itself from the human nature of those being cocooned by the dead empty shell.

This week has seen Trump meet in New York with Netenyahu after Netenyahu delivers a redundant speech defunct of any credible or worthwhile evidence to back his ludicrous claims of anything that doesn't matter to anyone, except those who stand to benefit from the charade. The claim made about Trump and Netenyahu is that ties between those two criminals have never been stronger, isn't that evidence alone as the mass awakening is beginning. And I say it with caution, as the Israeli mossad secret service failings have been mounting, but treachery, deceit and booby trapping is their middle name. While their psy-op media periodicals and journals appear to be scrambling by their fingernails on the ever steepening cliff edges that they've led themselves onto. So, the independent media, blogging, vlogging and other means of utilising social media platforms, and rightly so under the free speech laws. Can it but be more and more transparent as to who the culprits are of an actual sustained loop system of Boom, for them, Bust for everyone else?

They say they have a Jewish day when their "promised messiah" will materialise. Well, people must have been taking their eye off the ball on at least two occasions in history, the first they turned their back on, even voting for his death, the second, Menachem Shneerson, failed to deliver, though he was supposed to do whatever he was supposed to do in 2008. It never happened. So, the Jewish eternal promisers of glory for the Jewish people is their last card left in the stack for them to play, other than the Sampson Option? Is this what all the blood drinking of 8 day old babies mutilated penises has all been about? In studying everything Jews do, and the shadows they have thrived behind for millennia, so their success, in crime, may be their downfall out of crime. Lucky the Jew Luciano's Law states that "It only takes one person to find out you're up to no good. You better pack up your bags and head for fresh turkey's, because that goose is cooked." Now, which other fine ethnic anomaly has such spirited quotes for a life of industrial crime manufacture?

Solving puzzles and understanding mazes becomes artful when only allowed to be in those environments, and with the Jewish Central Banking system having every last penny on a virtual lock down scenario, as the Jew must be in everybody's business, whether that be the ultra-paranoia of socio-pathic megalomaniacs, or just they want to skin every last penny that you make, as they're plunderer's by nature. Well, this Friday sixth of October Twenty Eighteen has seen an very obscure article reveal rather more than they possibly would have liked to reveal, and possibly predicated on the presumption that no one is paying attention to their crooked schemes the world over. Jews have some sort of law about giving the public fair notice, for contractual reasons, and so they have defences for their privateering methods. For example, signs in public buildings, no smoking, as an example, is a contractual offer, as slavery is outlawed.

It's why signs and symbolism using signs has become such an important member of the yiddish alphabet added into everyday speak, yet we can only use 26 letters of the alphabet. Try putting your own signs up about anything of any importance, then tell me they don't have everywhere in lockdown. In this instance it's very much like the time I was enquiring about the Court Records from court proceedings heard in National Socialist Germany, as from 1933. My search took me to a site of the German Government, so they said, but, again under closer scrutiny, not only were there no court records available, I ended up finding about Article 146 of the German Basic Law.

This little trail led me to call the German Consulate up and explain to him my query. As I'd been travelling around Germany in Twenty Fifteen, I met a German, a Bavarian from Bamberg who told me about the Reich Constitutionalists over there who were refusing to recognise anything but their bona fide Constitution under the Kaiser. Well, it turns out Article 146 of the German Basic Law talks about the distinct and definite right of Germans to have a referendum upon the unification of Germany, which incidentally took place in 1990 proper. Yet, the referendum has been kept out of the public eye by the lying press, who are the only press allowed, so they don't allow any press. If there was a referendum, then only Germans would be considered to be valid voters. As the Constitution still stands, as Germany is under a military occupation rule, as without the referendum this will always be the case. Which leads me to mention that the one single word so missing in all the claims made over this last week or so by Merkel at the German-Israeli Tech Fair, also with Netenyahu, who was then with Trump after a dire speech to a virtually empty UN room. My evidence, of course, is that it's freely available to watch online, so why can't our world leaders make available such simple means for evidencing their claims? Well, we know why don't we.

So, back to where I'm going with this. There is this article, in Bloomberg, which is a big a liar as any of them, but there are cracks in the plaster when viewed from certain angles. Little light shiners of truth that propose there to be more going on than meets the eye at first glance. Of course, with the defeat of Germany in 1945 and the military take over of all German politics and business, so the article points to it that there are special relationships between particular local banking houses, who do business under the umbrella term "Sparkasse". What it says is, there are suspicions of interplay between payments from banks to politicians, as the politicians are the ones placed in by the Allies to quel Article 146. So, you can read for yourself, as I'll post the link, but you can see such things as the charge has now been lowered from bribery to dereliction of office type charges. My one question is that with the condition of Germany, and the positioning of such Sparkasse's to keep money trickling in, which by the way has now made the Sparkasse the second best option for loaning after commercial banking giant, Deutsche Bank is failing to do anything, as the same with Commerz Bank. As a side note, there's a dodgy character who just helped Deutsche to fail who has just joined Jewish billionaire Howard Studnick, who just missed the 9/11 terrorist attack by Israel on America, because he just happened to take the kids late to school that day, though he says his brother was killed there.

So amid all the Jewish chicanery and tomfoolery of their kind, who could warrant that a group of non Jews could hold so much sway without Jewish co-operation? Here's the link to the article. LINK

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Jewrial Jewoptics

Part 1 of 3
The unedjewcated guesser may miss the elusive obvious 10 times of ten, and he'd be at no fault of his own when left to his own devices as the worker drone he has been created into. From the African birthing boom as funded by the developed countries via Israeli drug manufacturers that inherited every advancement of technology as being developed post world war 2. The proof is in the pudding, when Israel can remain uninvestigated for the 9-11 torahrist attack(pronounced terrorist attack). Yet, at the same token, the so called Al-Quaeda network simply has vanished, or morphed into the ISIS that never attacks Israel. Perhaps, among many other issues relating to their cuckoo position in the Mid-East region, they don't wish for the press to be there, or, the press, being in the know, don't wish to be there either.

There's definitely much work for Israel to continually pummel out for the masses excuses for their lying, and what if anyhow? What if Jared Kushner, Steve Mnuchin, Henry Kissinger, Jack Lew, Dianne Feinstein, among so many others, are in fact mossad agents bent on subverting the US political sway? What if all of the mossad agents are found to be deeply embedded in non Israeli politics, but they were all reporting every information back to Israel for Israel's advantage? What contingencies would be required to hedge bets at these lofty levels of anti-futuristic outlooks? What menace could be caused that isn't being caused?

With the South African communists ANC shooting each other to kingdom come, and South Africa caught supplying arms to Saudi Arabia to wage war on Yemen, then what further encroachment on Africa's countries do Israel hold? What of our own? What ways can our own people get back to realise the importance of their voice in the open forum of politics when the Tavistock  and Stanford Institutes are literally light years ahead in the game when it comes to knowing the mind. The busy creatures at those subversive human conditioning institutions are care free in their eternal shadow of trickling into society the dictat of what is and what shall be.

How long do you think it would take you yourself to educate yourself to the levels of understanding required to get back what's rightfully yours? Would you recognise yours off the bat? What defences to your rights, liberties and properties would you be proposing for taking everything back that belonged to you and your future generations? Where is your vision? Where is your direction in society as a member of society. World War 2 was about halting the directions of Self-Autonomous people exercising their rights, duties and obligations to themselves and each other, while the Jews who had been removed from the equation by their own choices stood to lose their advantageous positions on the board. They could not accept the fruits hanging from the overburdened tree of abundance, instead they wished to have skeleton like slaves dying on the streets of foreign lands that they had waged war on.

Who can draw on a conscience when the people's consciences have been dictated to, and in turn poisoned by, the same Ultra-Zio-liberalistic psychopathic menaces that run today's crazy world of Jewish economics via their world bank systems? What merit can one bring to their own soul when their conscience is not only compromised as a working mechanism to operate from in the world, but actually sets one in reverse? All the while the biological functioning of the chemistry of mankind ceases to flourishes in it's natural orderly state. When there can be no agreements between the society as to what kinds of directions benefit the masses at large the most return on investment, then one has to seek out the saboteurs, the ardent conflagrationists, the conspirators with ulterior motives kept from the crowd.

Isn't it also funny that almost every corner turned will have pied pipers waiting cohenveniently to direct you to all that you require. They have every proof of everything that they claim to be able to do for you, yet when the crunch time comes they will oft pull out the tried and tested methods of making ludicrous claims of knowledge of things that they have no proof of. This much is a constant, and it's a sure way to separate the wheat from the chaff in any lengthy dialogue. The answer to the unspoken question is about creativity realised, potentials realised, chance and opportunity made and offered with the support and encouragement of the state. Not, as we see today, a nation state created for tom foolery, drug dabbling, immature behaviour and harm caused to others. We are better than this as has been proven time and time again by our great communities who have shared the brunt of many an onslaught.

With the shadowy figures in the synagogues preaching their international banking language of yiddish to their own congregations. With the manifesting of anything and everything they require to materialise at their whim, all charged to their cattle, the Goyim, their salvation. How else would invaders of Races manage to creep about the place without secret coding, artificial infrastructures and password after password enabling their security to be uncompromised? Imagine your sitting at home with your family, or by yourself, or however. Next thing up pops a Rabbi with his bank clerk and migrant refugees to tell you how he's going to be charging you for the privileges you have bestowed upon him to run your life, because he's claimed he's been chosen by his g-d to do it? Would you buy into this? Well, I know it's a trick question, because you already did, but how do you escape the cartoon?

Monday, October 1, 2018

Boycott Jack's

Next up for Jews in the game is for Jack Cohen's enterprise TESCO to open cheap place supermarket Jack's. Not only is this yet another swarm by the Jewish mob economically dictating the mood on the High Street. Not only are our streets now swarmed with non-European shops, restaurants and other business's they also bring their problems with them. So whereas prominent Jews such as Rex Makin,the Kray Twins and Greville Janner have all been embroiled in homosexual and paedophile chicanery, so they managed to over turn a very long standing law of England against buggery and have made it an institution now promoted and encouraged by the Church. Even the head of the Anglican Church has Jewish roots, not too mention the Catholic's welcoming of Jews with the Vatican Council 2. In this link provided the homosexual is charged with the price of water for his wounds for an acid attack by the Arab shop owner, who has now apologized for that. The point is, the Jews are behind the promoting of non-European business's and that of the homosexual agenda. So whereas we wouldn't have either a High Street top heavy in kebab shops owned by non-Europeans, neither would we have homosexual marriages creating more problems via the "Rights of Minorities" scams that Jews put in the forefront of our priorities for their own benefits. Here is the link: LINK

  With Jack's being rooted in Jewish immigration to Europe and their money based being exclusive of the Goyim who don't count, then we see the patterns of how the High Street business's have been cajoled by their mob to benefit theirs, and only their monopoly of our lands. I was pricing up some chicken in Tesco's just the other day, and while the bog standard from the massive chicken farms was just £4, the organic ones ranged from more than 3x's the price at £12-14. When I aksed about why the prices are so disproportionate I was told "If you can imagine the organic ones need to run around, that's why they're more expensive". So, I'd be paying for chickens to "run around"... Excuse me? Obviously the manager was not available at that time, but here's a little something about the new mega-farms that appear to be keeping the kebab shops afloat, while "organic" chickens cost in "running around" terms. Here is the link: LINK

Also, Jack's daughter, Dame Shirley Porter has had not only a Shakespearean play about her corrupt practices, it was also made into a Radio 4 play. She's erstwhile tucked away in Israel developing eco-friendly building practices in their gangster hideout. It's touted as a charity, but where was the charity whhen she was doing eactly what Louise Ellman, another Jewess, is doing in Liverpool, albeit a different MO, the outcomes are tantamount to the same jiggery pokery for her kosher script writers. Here's the link: LINK

As a side note, I thought I'd look up who owns the Nottingham Post on Companies, House Beta website, and found it's a Paul Simon Collins, who according to Companies House has 75 such appointments. Then I thought it curious, that neither he, nor Judge Mann, who presdied over the Daily Mirror hacking scandals and Cliff Richards case, were Sir Cliff apparently knows nothing about any of all the BBC shenanigans going on, but Alan Yentob, a Jew, and others got sizeable payouts for their troubles in the phone hacking. Neither of Judge Mann or Paul "75 appointments" Simon Collins pictures are available. Here's Collin's appointments c/o Companies House. Here is Alan Yentob's payout from fellow Jew Robert Maxwell's Mirror, which since he "disappeared" after falling off his luxury billionaires yacht is now known as Trinity Mirror. Once again the Jewish link to utilisation of symbolism in the public psyche to act as shields for their most important credit function... IMAGE!!! Here is the link: LINK

So, unlike Philip Green who had British Home Stores and collapsed their pensions and livelihoods to abscond to his private luxury billionaire's yacht in Monaco, and Princess Sophie's good friend and Jew, Howard Ludnick, who miraculously averted the 9/11 Twin Towers atrocity "because he took the kids late for school", who reportedly has a brother who died in that terrorist attack, BY ISRAEL. The Cantor Fitzgerald Jew billionaire and also good friend of other socialite Royal Family failure Sarah Ferguson, who incredibly has made this and that with Anshur Jain of Deustche Bank his best buddy in business. One has to ask, well, who the heck is Jack Cohen of all the Jews, to be doing so well on the High Street that apparently has been bombed, even though Aldi just made £10 billion this year. Here is the link: LINK

  Well, Jack Cohen is born of Jewish immigrant's to England, yet we're told he's an English businessman. Who, like so many others Jews, like Harold Shipman the world's most prolific serial killer, deem it worthwhile not to mention they're Jewish when cohenvenient. Jack Cohen's daughter is Dame Shirley Porter, who was the MP for Westminster, as Lionel de Rothschild was when the Oath Act was "changed" to accommodate for him not wishing to take the Christian Oath, which Benjamin Disraeli had, though he was a Jew, who this time became Prime Minister of England after his family had converted. His family, like that of Boris Johnson, and Transport Minister Jo Johnson, who are both Jews, had swanned in to England from the former Ottoman Empire. These "Johnson's" relative Ali Kemal a real traitor who was executed by the Turkish Nationalists under Ataturk. Ali Kemal is said on Wikipedia to be a Quisling, but in actual fact the opposite is the case. Quisling was Pro-Norwegian and anti-Marxist, yet the name, because it goes against Jewish narrative standards has been besmirched to conjure up the usual dialectic trick that Jews consider part of their chutzpah. As with Lord Derby, who had moulded the Tories into a great machine, was the longest serving leader, and was a three time Prime Minister, yet the newcomer, and Jew, Disraeli claimed he fashioned the modern Tories, according to Wikipedia that is. Here is the quote, which is taken from another source about British Prime Minsters:
Derby who educated the party and acted as its strategist to pass the last great Whig measure, the 1867 Reform Act. It was his greatest achievement to create the modern Conservative Party in the framework of the Whig constitution, though it was Disraeli who laid claim to it.
And, here is the link: LINK

So, while the "Russian" Revolution was in fact the Jewish Revolution and all of the fortunes of Russia and the four hundred year rule of the Romanov Dynasty was looted, one has to beg the question, and again amid all of the economic suffering of Russians under the 13 States of the USSR. Where did all the blood money go? It seems to me that the bank rolling the Jew do, which is connected to all of their criminal enterprises, because Crime Pays Jews, then who in that arena can stop them? As with the Constitution of Wisconsin and their ban on banking before the Civil War, then why would people vote for banks when we're surrounded by a paradise when the parasite is removed? Surely the cards stack in favour of those controlling the system, that's obvious, but what limits are there on systems exactly? What systems are better? What systems are considered other than this broken Jew flunky one we have today. Here's yet another measure of Jewish hegemony in the system. The Jews have their Aliyah which according to their own official website gets them a free one way ticket to their criminal hideout, a free house and payments, along with literally tons of other benefits depending on which way your Judaism takes you. All that of course predicated on the Romanov riches, the art stolen from Germans and the Holohoax reparations. The list outside of this link goes on and on. Literally the world is your playground within the Jewish monopoly construct of playing with other people's lives. In investments they say use other people's money, why wouldn't Jews say "Use other people's lives"? Well, the evidence sure stacks up that it's exactly what they ARE doing! Here's the link: LINK